My characteristic signs

(as they used to say…)

Very friendly and very communicative
Since I was a child, I have never been shy at all .. on the contrary, I always wanted to make friends and not only with children but also with adults .. and meet new people … If there were no one to talk to, I would be able even to talk to a bench .. 😉 I’m not ashamed to say that since I was a child and still today .. yes, I talk to myself! It is useful to better collect ideas aloud … and in any case, just a touch of craziness is useful in life … also to find particular and innovative solutions to various issues or problems to be solved …

I have always had the natural aptitude to easily enter into empathic contact with other people … over the years and with the long experience of work and life,  constantly having to deal with many different people and of different nationalities … it takes me very little even by phone or online, to get in empathic touch with people immediately.
I know people of various nationalities well
My grandmother was french and although I didn’t meet her, I started speaking french as a child with my father who was bilingual.

When I was young,  I lived (first for study and then for work) for some periods in Great Britain, to be exact in England in the late 80’s – early 90’s! It was a cosmopolitan universe of different races and cultures, a magical place to live and work, so different from Italy and where at that time I really felt at home.  I learned the “British” working method (very methodical and schematic) and this has really been useful to me throughout all my working life. I was lucky enough to meet a very large number of people of all nationalities, ethnicities and cultures, both during the period in which I was working as an Interpreter and when I was a Consultant and Manager, always dealing with international customers and of course during our many travels to Europe.

Curious, Enthusiastic and Positive
I’m curious in various areas, certainly about everything that matters and that is worth knowing, sometimes even without a precise reason, often just for the sake of knowing it. In particular: I am curious about places, about the beauties of nature, about Art, about the diversity of the world and people.

Diversity is the true wealth of humanity and of the world!!

I am an enthusiastic and cheerful person, I express myself at my best especially when I travel and when I write, when I plan and organize the next travel, but also in everyday life, when I do what I am passionate about, what intrigues and interests me and so I enjoy doing it, always with the utmost commitment and dedication.

Autonomous, decisive, determined and perfectionist
I have always worked with a lot of independence and I am very resolute and determined, always focused on the goal with passion, commitment, determination and concentration. In life and in work I have always achieved all my goals, even the most ambitious ones, with great determination and dedication, commitment and perseverance.
By nature I am a Perfectionist, for me a work is good only when it is perfect and cared for in every detail!

It’s the little things that make the big differences!!

Only the Brave!! That's my motto!!

Only with Courage you can make bold choices and you can pursue ambitious goals, making your dreams come true!!
Sometimes you need to have the courage to change points of view and perspectives, to go beyond your limits, to overcome conventions and to experiment new things.

Traveling offers all this, it teaches the wonder of Diversity, enriching your soul!!

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